Coppice Valley Friday Update
Posted 15th March 2024
A Message from Miss McNamara
As always, it has been a fun-filled week at Coppice Valley. Our Youth Board went over to Meadowfield Primary School, one of the RKLT primary schools in Leeds and they have returned feeling enthused to make eco-bricks from recycled plastic and building some outdoor furniture with it. I am looking forward to the developments of the Youth Board project, watch this space for our new furniture!
I would like to give a shout-out to Miss Wright who supported me in presenting at the Crown Hotel on Tuesday night, to enter into a bidding process to raise the money needed for the tree-hung canopy we want to build in our nature area. You can read more about this project on our Community Projects webpage.
This week, we have hosted our Parents' Meetings. Thank you to those who have completed out survey. We really value your feedback and so we will be texting the link to the survey, for those who didn't get chance to complete it.
Year 1 & 2 Sleepover / Year 6 Residential
Parents of children in Years 1, 2 and 5 have all received information about upcoming overnight stays.
We believe these offer invaluable experiential learning opportunities which promote independence and teamwork. The activities undertaken support the development of social skills, resilience, and problem-solving abilities.
If you have any questions, or would like to set up a payment plan for the Year 6 residential, please get in touch with the school office.
SEND/Wellbeing Drop In
Please come along to school on Tuesday 19th March to speak informally to Mrs Fineran and/or Mrs Wright. We will have tea, coffee and biscuits.
We sent out our attendance letters to those with less than 95% attendance last week. We absolutely understand there are times when children are unwell and must therefore be off school and it goes without saying that we do not want unwell children feeling poorly at school and making other children/staff unwell.
The DfE set the attendance expectation and we must keep you informed of your child's attendance. Our Attendance Team authorise absences for reasons such as illness and unavoidable medical appointments; authorised absence is often unpreventable absence. We hope this reassures families of school's approach to our obligations.
This week's attendance is: 97.6%
School year so far: 95.6% (we are climbing up!)
Our registers close at 9am and so your child will miss their attendance mark, if they arrive after this time.
This week, 10 children have been late to school.
Key Dates
- SEND & Wellbeing Drop-in - Tuesday 19thMarch
- PTFA Sponsored Bounce - Wednesday 20thMarch
- Wacky Dress - Friday 22ndMarch (organised by our School Council)
- PTFA Easter bun sale - Friday 22ndMarch 3:30pm
- This year's PTFA Summer fundraiser will be held on Saturday 13th July.