- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- School Information Booklet
- Our School Day
- Lunchtime and Snacks
- Calendar
- Arbor Parent App and Online Portal
- After School Activity Clubs
- Before and After School (BAS) Club
- Attendance & Holidays in Term Time
- Uniform & Appearance
- Drop off & Pick Up
- Medication in school
- Family Support
- Relationships, Behaviour & Attitudes
- Homework
- Safeguarding
- E-Safety
- PTFA (Parent, Teacher and Friends of the School Association)
- Coppice Valley Wishlist
Drop off & Pick Up
Children should be dropped off at school between 8.45 and 8.55 am.
We have a staggered start to the day to allow parents/carers, pupils and teachers to chat before school starts at 8.55 am. Please wait with your child on the patio outside your child's classroom until a member of staff opens the classroom door. For safety reasons, the playground and field are not open for use before or after school. Children should not be left unattended by parents on school grounds before 8.45 am.
We encourage our families and neighbours to enjoy the community garden at the front of school, but please respect the trees and plants by not picking them. For safety reasons, please don't walk behind the flowerbeds.
Oak, Beech and Ash Classes
Pick up time for Oak, Beech and Ash classes is 3.25pm.
Sycamore, Apple, Chestnut and Willow Classes
Pick up time for Sycamore, Apple, Chestnut and Willow classes is 3.25pm.
Please wait outside your child's classroom door for the children to be dismissed.
We take the safety of the children very seriously and try to send the children out one by one, whenever possible, so we can see them getting to the right adult. Your patience and understanding is appreciated in this.
Please tell your child's teacher at the start of the day or call the school to tell us if someone different is picking up your child. If someone we do not know and have not been informed about comes to pick up a child, we will ask them to wait while we call parents/carers to confirm the arrangement.
Walking Home Independently
Children in Year 5 and Year 6 may walk home independently. If you wish your child to walk themselves home from school, please put give permission on the Parent Arbor App or in an email to the office office@cvps.rklt.co.uk
Transport to School
We are so proud that our children are biking and scooting to school to stay fit and healthy. Please make sure your child gets off/on their bike/scooter at the school gate and walks it on the school paths to ensure no one gets hurt.
Late Arrivals
If you arrive late before or after school, please come to the main entrance to drop off/pick up your child.
Dogs and Smoking
Dogs and smoking are not allowed on the school site.
- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- School Information Booklet
- Our School Day
- Lunchtime and Snacks
- Calendar
- Arbor Parent App and Online Portal
- After School Activity Clubs
- Before and After School (BAS) Club
- Attendance & Holidays in Term Time
- Uniform & Appearance
- Drop off & Pick Up
- Medication in school
- Family Support
- Relationships, Behaviour & Attitudes
- Homework
- Safeguarding
- E-Safety
- PTFA (Parent, Teacher and Friends of the School Association)
- Coppice Valley Wishlist