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- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Our Vision and Ethos
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- British Values, Tackling Radicalisation & SMSC
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- About Red Kite Learning Trust
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- Teacher Training
Pupil and Sports Premium
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of pupils who are eligible for the pupil premium.
Pupils who are eligible for funding are those that currently receive Free School Meals or have received Free School Meals in the last 6 years. Pupils are also eligible if they are a services child and/or are classified by the local authority as a Looked After Child. The government's condition of the funding is that it must be spent by the school for the educational benefit of the pupil. It is at the school's discretion how best to spend this funding.
Coppice Valley's strategy for using the funding to maximum effect for the pupils in our school, is a carefully considered three-pronged approach of High Quality Teaching and Learning, Attendance and Attitudes and Personal Development. More details can be found in the strategy document below.
Our Pupil Premium Funding Strategy - Click on the documents below to see our priorities
Previous documents
- Our School
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Our Vision and Ethos
- Admissions
- Term Dates
- Governance
- Our Staff
- Our Policies
- Results and Performance
- School Improvement
- Ofsted
- Safeguarding
- Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion
- British Values, Tackling Radicalisation & SMSC
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- About Red Kite Learning Trust
- Vacancies
- Teacher Training