- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- School Information Booklet
- Our School Day
- Lunchtime and Snacks
- Calendar
- Arbor Parent App and Online Portal
- After School Activity Clubs
- Before and After School (BAS) Club
- Attendance & Holidays in Term Time
- Uniform & Appearance
- Drop off & Pick Up
- Medication in school
- Family Support
- Relationships, Behaviour & Attitudes
- Homework
- Safeguarding
- E-Safety
- PTFA (Parent, Teacher and Friends of the School Association)
- Coppice Valley Wishlist
Relationships, Behaviour & Attitudes
Our school values are Brave, Kind & Curious. We believe that being kind is the key to good relationships and good behaviour. If we are kind to each other and kind to ourselves, we will have healthy relationships. We teach our children how to be kind and praise them for being a kind friend.
Good relationships is a vital part of our school culture. Our staff model good relationships by treating their pupils and each other with kindness and respect. When relationships between pupils and staff in a school are great, then amazing learning can happen.
We encourage our pupils to have good attitudes towards learning. We teach them about Growth Mindsets and the power of learning from our mistakes. Our curriculum is jam-packed with knowledge and wonderful experiences as we want our children to have a thirst for knowledge and be learners for life.
Just as children need to learn how to read and write, they need to be taught what good behaviour looks like. We actively teach children about good behaviour, we don't just expect it. Children learn best when they have clear guidance and boundaries. Our school values, rules and behaviour policies provide this.
All children will make mistakes with their behaviour choices at some point. We use a restorative approach (see below) to help pupils learn.
Here's our child friendly version of our Behaviour Policy
Restorative Approach
At Coppice Valley School our restorative approach helps build a happier school where the focus is on a positive learning environment. In a Restorative Approach, the behaviour is separated from the individual. Pupils are taught to take responsibility for their behaviour choices and to restore and repair relationships after a mistake or incident has happened. Restorative practice helps pupils to gain the skills to self-regulate their own behaviour and learning. Using this approach as a whole school can help with:
- Developing responsibility and communication
- Improving behaviour and attendance
- Increasing empathy, happiness and social skills
- Reducing bullying and conflict
At Coppice Valley School we actively develop these skills using restorative approaches based on:
- Respect- listening and valuing everyone’s opinion
- Responsibility- learning to take responsibility for our own actions
- Repair- developing skills to identify solutions
- Re-Integration- resolving issues through support and ensuring behaviours are not repeated
Part of our approach in developing a restorative approach is using restorative language, using social circles and conferencing and using reflection techniques.
- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- School Information Booklet
- Our School Day
- Lunchtime and Snacks
- Calendar
- Arbor Parent App and Online Portal
- After School Activity Clubs
- Before and After School (BAS) Club
- Attendance & Holidays in Term Time
- Uniform & Appearance
- Drop off & Pick Up
- Medication in school
- Family Support
- Relationships, Behaviour & Attitudes
- Homework
- Safeguarding
- E-Safety
- PTFA (Parent, Teacher and Friends of the School Association)
- Coppice Valley Wishlist