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Red Kite Learning Trust


Uniform & Appearance

Coppice Valley Primary School (56)

Why uniform and smartness matters to us

Following our uniform rules is important for the health, safety and development of your child, while they are in our care. Sensible clothing, jewellery and appearance choices ensure your child has a safe and successful day at school. 

Our school uniform can be purchased at Rawcliffes or at Emblazon.



Coppice is passionate about sustainability and reducing waste. We have pre-loved uniform that has very kindly been donated by our parents in the Community Hub. This uniform is free for our parents to take should they wish to, please help yourself.

Our school uniform is:

  • Grey smart trousers, skirt, culottes, pinafore or shorts. No leggings.
  • Grey or white socks. Tights should be grey.
  • Navy polo shirt, preferably with the school logo. Shirts should be tucked in at all times.
  • Navy cardigan or sweatshirt, preferably with the school logo. No hoodies
  • Black, flat school shoes. Plain white or navy sandals in the summer if desired, worn with socks please. 
  • No long or Ugg style boots, heeled shoes or flip flops because they are not practical at school all day – please provide flat school shoes for the health and safety of your child. They need to be able to both run around and sit on the floor crossed-legged comfortably in their footwear – long length and Ugg style boots are not safe/comfortable/waterproof at school. Please be wary of slip on shoes, especially ballet style girls’ shoes that do not stay on well when running and cause accidents.
  • Trainers must not be worn out of PE lessons.

Outdoor Clothing

We do not specify any particular outdoor coat, hat, scarf, wellies or gloves. Please ensure that all outdoor clothing your child uses in school is named.

PE Kit

Please check your class PE days and arrive to school in your kit as listed below.

  • Plain navy shorts/joggers
  • Plain white/navy t-shirt
  • Plain trainers
  • Navy school sweatshirt
  • No jewellery
  • No branded items
  • No hoodies


  • Long hair should be tied back at all times for hygiene and safety reasons.
  • Simple hair bands and clips only. No party/fashion clips, bands, extensions or colours. No large/Jojo style bows
  • Hair style and colour must be appropriate for school. Extremes of fashion in length, style, colour, and shaved grooves and patterns, should be avoided during term time.

Jewellery and Valuables

  • Jewellery should not be worn at school. This is because it can cause potential damage to both the wearer and other children, particularly during sporting activities. This includes the wearing of all fitness trackers.
  • Wristbands and friendship bracelets are not allowed.
  • If ears are pierced pupils may wear one set of plain, flat studs. Multiple piercing of ears is discouraged as the potential damage to your child if earrings are accidentally ripped is multiplied.
  • Earrings should be removed on PE and swimming days or if they cannot be removed, please tape over your child’s ears with micropore tape. If your child is old enough to do it themselves, please provide tape in their school bag.
  • Watches may be worn, but must be removed for PE
  • Pupils should not bring valuables including mobile phones and money to school.
  • If an older pupil is walking home alone (please put the permission to walk home alone in writing and give it to the office) and you want them to have a mobile phone for safety reasons, this must be handed in to the teacher every morning.

Make Up, Nail Varnish and temporary tattoos are not allowed.

PLEASE NOTE - If jewellery or watches have to be removed at school, for any reason, school cannot accept responsibility if they subsequently suffer damage or go missing.

On occasion the school has non-uniform days. Please ensure your child's clothing on these days is still appropriate for school e.g. able to run on the playground and sit and work comfortably.

Coppice Valley Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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