Medication in school
We have an online form for parents and carers to fill out before bringing medication into school.
Medication in School
Please remember that all medication must be signed in at school and must include a complete pharmacy label with clear instructions.
Medications prescribed to be taken three times a day cannot be administered during school hours; only those prescribed four times daily can be given. If your child attends BAS, please reach out to the school, and we will consider these requests on a case-by-case basis.
Non-Prescribed Medications
We are unable to accept non-prescribed medication; non-prescribed medication can only be administered where the parent/carer or a family friend bring the medicine in to school, administer it themselves and then take it away with them. However, please contact the school if you need to discuss any specific circumstances.
- For Parents/Carers
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- Before and After School (BAS) Club
- Attendance & Holidays in Term Time
- Uniform & Appearance
- Drop off & Pick Up
- Medication in school
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- PTFA (Parent, Teacher and Friends of the School Association)
- Coppice Valley Wishlist