Relationships & Health Education (RHE)
Mrs Croxton is our school RHE Leader
Relationships and Health Education is a statutory part of the National Curriculum which all schools must teach.
On this page you can find out all you need to know about what we teach, how we teach it and when.
We use the Kapow scheme of work to teach our RHE. Kapow is a nationally renowned resource, that ensures age-appropriate and logically sequenced learning for children. The scheme is implemented as a whole school approach with strands of learning relating to family and relationships, health and wellbeing, safety and the changing body, citizenship and economic wellbeing. There is a document below which you can download and read in full which details the Intent, implementation and impact of our approach.
Intent, implementation and impact statement - RSE and PSHE(pdf)
Created January 2024Permalink
Intent, implementation and impact statement - RSE and PSHE
RSE primary schools guide for parents(pdf)
Created January 2024Permalink
Summary of National Curriculum Objectives for RHE(pdf)
Created January 2022Permalink