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Red Kite Learning Trust


Chestnut - KS2 Year 5

Welcome to Chestnut Class!

We are looking forward to the last half term of the school year. Hopefully we will get some good weather, so please send your children to school with a hat and water bottle each day. 

If you have any questions or problems, please don’t hesitate to catch one us at the door in the morning or at pick-up or drop us an email on This includes letting us know if there are any changes to your standard pick up arrangements.

Chestnut - Start of Year Meeting

Key information

  • This half term, PE is on Wednesday and Thursday. You should come to school in your PE kit on these days. School PE kits should be navy joggers/shorts, white or plain navy T-shirt and a school jumper. Please note football kits are not permitted as PE kit.
  • All children should wear uniform which should be clearly named.  
  • Please make sure your child brings their own water bottle to school each day.
  • Please ensure your child brings a coat for outdoor play.
  • Drop-off time is between 8:45 - 8:55am. Pick-up time is 3:30pm.

If you need to contact us for any reason, please email or phone us on 01423 563760

Here is the teaching timetable for Chestnut Class for this half term:

Chestnut Class Autumn 2 Timetable

Current Term Plan 

Click here to see our yearly overview


In this half term, we will be focusing on statistics and geometry. 

Each morning, between 8:45 – 9am, the children will revisit prior learning through Early Bird Maths questions or tasks. These tasks are important for developing fluency and confidence in their learning. .

It is important that the children maintain their fluency in times tables, so should continue to practice regularly using TTRs and other times table games.



On the right is a list of the spellings that children should know by the end of year 6.

This half term we will be focusing on words that end in different suffixes

  • -tion/ -sion/ -ssion/ -cian
  • -our/ -or/ -ous
  • -able/-ible/-ably/-ibly

We will continue to revisit word from Year 4, to ensure the children are confident with these.


Maths - useful websites
find out about shapes and their properties here.
  This is an excellent way to find out about 3d shapes. You can look at the shape, find out about its properties and find out what the net looks like.
Learn about finding the perimeter and area of shapes.
Use this web site to practise looking at numbers when you multiply or divide by 10, 100, 1000.
This is brilliant for understanding hopping between decimal numbers. You can see the hops and an explanation of the size of these hops too.
Use this to fully understand the order and size of numbers.
Use this site to become more familiar with the size of fractions, and to find equivalents.


Chestnut - Start of Year Meeting(pdf)

Created September 2024

Chestnut - Start of Year Meeting

Chestnut Autumn 2 - Teaching Timetable(pdf)

Created November 2024

Chestnut Autumn 2 - Teaching Timetable

Chestnut Class Term Plan(pdf)

Created June 2024

Chestnut Class Term Plan

Year 5 Yearly Overview(pdf)

Created August 2023

Year 5 Yearly Overview


Coppice Valley Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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