The pages in this section are to help the school communicate with parents and to be a source of recent information to refer to. Please hover over the tabs in this section to select the relevant information.
If you would like to suggest other things we could do to improve communication please let us know.
- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- School Information Booklet
- Our School Day
- Lunchtime and Snacks
- Calendar
- Arbor Parent App and Online Portal
- After School Activity Clubs
- Before and After School (BAS) Club
- Attendance & Holidays in Term Time
- Uniform & Appearance
- Drop off & Pick Up
- Medication in school
- Family Support
- Relationships, Behaviour & Attitudes
- Homework
- Safeguarding
- E-Safety
- PTFA (Parent, Teacher and Friends of the School Association)
- Coppice Valley Wishlist