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Red Kite Learning Trust


Friday Update 04.10.24

Posted 30th September 2024

Message from Miss McNamara

Today, we want to thank everyone who walked, biked or scooted to school. We had Harrygator on the school gates this morning from Harrogate Town Football Club, along with our Sports Ambassadors, counting the number of children and adults who walked to school. We then had Harrygator visit us in assembly this morning and Oak class joined us for their very first assembly! 

In school this week we have had the English Hub in to support the monitoring  and delivery of our reading and phonics programme. We had amazing feedback from the advisor who commented on our 'immersive environment with reading at the heart', our 'relentless determination for every child' and the 'staff enthusiasm to support every child to learn to read'. We are really pleased with this feedback, our reading programme, culture and resources is something we invested heavily in last year. A huge thank you to all the staff, a big well done to the children and thank you to you, our parents, for your support with reading at home. 

This week we also had the fire service in to speak to children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. They delivered safety talks in two assemblies and the children had chance to look inside the fire engine! Go to our social media to see the pictures.

Black History Month

October is Black History Month. This is an important time for us to recognise and celebrate the contributions, history, and culture of Black individuals in the UK and beyond. It provides an opportunity for children to learn about the richness of Black heritage and its impact on society. 

We will be celebrating this throughout October with assemblies, circle time in classes, our library displays, the sharing of books and lessons in class. 

Parents /Carers Evenings

Copy of Parent Sharing Dates (4)

Bookings can be made from Monday 7 October at 7pm on the Parent Arbor App. Any issues, please contact the school office for assistance.

Year 6 High School Applications

Just a gentle reminder that the deadline for applying for high school places is the 31 October. 

Please click here for more information.

Panto Time!

As a Christmas treat, we will be taking all of our Coppice students to see Beauty and the Beast at Harrogate Theatre on Thursday 28 November.

We will walk to the theatre and and back to school afterwards so please be sure to wear sensible footwear and an appropriate coat for the weather. We will be back in school for lunchtime.

We are not asking for a payment for this trip, however, we would be grateful to anyone who wishes to help us with the cost. An optional donation of £10 per child is available on Arbor, under Trips.

Image result for harrogate theatre logo

Year 4 Murton Park Trip

Year 4 will be going to Murton Park on 2 December 2024. Please log into Arbor and go to Trips to give consent for this trip and to pay the voluntary contribution.

Details about the arrangements of the day will follow in due course.


Bookings for the Halloween Discos are still being taken for KS1. KS2 are to pay on the door.

An email will be coming out soon regarding our AGM. Please look out for this.

Autumn 1 Key Dates

Week of 16th September: Y6 Residential

Wednesday 18th September: EYFS/KS1 Dot Day

Tuesday 24th September: Family Breakfast 

Tuesday 24th September: Governors Meeting 1

Wednesday 2nd October: Flu Immunisations

Wednesday 9th October: PTFA AGM

Friday 4th October: Walk to School Day

Wednesday 9th October: Individual School Photos (and siblings) & PTFA AGM (6pm)

Thursday 10th October: World Mental Health Day

Friday 18th October: PTFA Halloween Disco

Tuesday 22nd October: NSPCC e-safety workshop (for parents)

Autumn 2 Key Dates

Monday 4th November: School re-opens

Wednesday 6th November: NSPCC speak Out Assembly (Y2,5&6)

Monday 11th November & Thursday 14th November: Parents' Evenings

Friday 15th November: Training Day

Friday 22nd November: Walk to School Day

Monday 25th November: Y6 Bikeability, Level 1

Tuesday 26th November: Governors' Meeting 2

Thursday 28th November: Whole-School Pantomime

Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th December: Y6 Bikeability (note date change from 2nd & 3rd))

Monday 16th December: KS2 Church Performance

Community News

Free Beds through Essential Needs

This year, Essential Needs has launched a scheme to offer free beds for children to support families in the Harrogate District.

Furniture poverty remains a very real issue facing families in our community and we’re here to help. This year we’ve already given away a number of beds to families where children were having to share with siblings or sleep with a parent.

If your child is in need a bed of their own, we still have many more available.

The family of the child receiving the bed just need to meet the following criteria.

- The child receiving the free bed must be under the age of 16 when the referral is made.

- The parent/guardian with whom they are living must be in receipt of a means tested benefit or low income which has been verified by either the referring organisation or Essential Needs.

- The parent/guardian must not be currently eligible for, or have received a bed for this child within the past 2 years via The North Yorkshire Council Local Assistance Fund.

- The child & parent/guardian must not be living in temporary accommodation, such as a hostel or living with a family member or friend. Your permanent address must be in the Harrogate District.

- The child must not have received a bed free of charge from Essential Needs under this or any other scheme in the past 3 years.

If you are unsure about eligibility or there are exceptional circumstances, please get in touch and we will do our best to help.

Essential Needs 01423 870040

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Coppice Valley Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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