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Red Kite Learning Trust


Friday Update 11.10.24

Posted 11th October 2024

Miss McNamara's Message

This week we are celebrating being awarded with School Games Mark Gold! We were also selected for an auditing and monitoring process of the award and so on Tuesday an external assessor visited our school. The assessor met with Miss Baxter, our PE lead, to look at all the things we do in school. 

The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.

As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas of participation, competition, workforce and clubs, and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year. A huge thank you to Miss Baxter, who spends a lot of time organising competitions and events in and out of school.

After School Clubs

After School Clubs for Autumn 2 will be available to book on the Arbor Parent App next week, please look out for a letter with club info and opening times. However, payment is now to be made at the point of booking within the Club area of Arbor. Bookings will not be able to be made without payment in advance. 

Thank you.

BAS (Breakfast and After School Club)

Please look out for a letter regarding a change in booking Before and After School Club Sessions from next half term.This will move to Arbor as per the activity clubs.

These will also be available to book from at the same time as as the clubs above and a guide on how to do this will be available soon. If you have any questions about this, please refer to the guides or contact the school office. 

Fidgets and Toys from home

We ask that children do not bring fidgets or toys from home for a few key reasons.

  1. Avoiding Distractions: Toys and personal fidgets can distract both the child and their peers, making it harder to focus on learning.

  2. Fairness: Bringing in toys can cause feelings of unfairness. By providing fidgets, we ensure all children have equal access.

  3. Suitability: The fidgets we supply are chosen to support focus and sensory needs in an appropriate way.

  4. Preventing Loss: Toys from home may get lost or damaged, causing upset.

If a child needs a fidget, we will provide one to help them stay focused without disrupting the class.

Thank you for your support in helping us maintain a positive learning environment.

Halloween Menu: Friday 18 October            Chilli Club: Friday 25th October

Screenshot_9-10-2024_10042_                                             chilli

Please book if you would like a Main, Vegetarian or Picnic (Sandwich) choice on Arbor using the Halloween Menu Option.

Harrogate High School - Additional Open Day for Year 6 Students

Invite to Additional Open Evening

Following our recent Open Evening, we are aware there were a number of parents unable to attend our event, therefore we would like to extend an invitation to you for an additional Open Evening on either Wednesday 16th October 5pm – 6pm or Tuesday 22nd October 4pm5pm in the Learning Resource Centre of Harrogate High School.

Please note that this opportunity to join us for an additional open evening is on a much smaller scale to our official open evening event, however, will still include a presentation from members of our Senior Leadership Team and a tour of the school. We would be delighted for your year 6 children to also join us for the evening.

Please could we kindly ask you to confirm your attendance using the below form, so that we have an idea of numbers of those attending:

If you have any questions, please contact

School Photo Day - New Date

We are pleased to confirm a new date for our school photos - Thursday 17 October. Students who have PE this day need to be in full uniform and not PE kit, please bring trainers in a bag for later in the day.

EYFS/KS1 Crafternoons

Reception: Friday 6th December

Year 1: Monday 2nd December

Year 2: Wednesday 4th December


KS2 Crafternoons

Year 3: Thursday 5th December

Year 4: Thursday 12th December

Year 5: Monday 9th December

Year 6: Tuesday 3rd December


Family Toolkits

As you may be aware, we have Family Toolkits available to borrow from our Community Hub.

We have had some great feedback recently including one Coppice family who said that the selection of board games was 

"...perfect for all ages, the games are sure to provide entertainment for the whole family and help spend quality time together.”

Autumn 1 Key Dates

Thursday 17th October: Individual School Photos (and siblings)

Friday 18th October: PTFA Halloween Disco

Tuesday 22nd October: NSPCC e-safety workshop (for parents)

Autumn 2 Key Dates

Monday 4th November: School re-opens

Wednesday 6th November: NSPCC speak Out Assembly (Y2,5&6)

Monday 11th November & Thursday 14th November: Parents' Evenings

Friday 15th November: Training Day

Friday 22nd November: Walk to School Day

Monday 25th November: Y6 Bikeability, Level 1

Tuesday 26th November: Governors' Meeting 2

Thursday 28th November: Whole-School Pantomime

Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th December: Y6 Bikeability (note date change from 2nd & 3rd))

Monday 16th December: KS2 Church Performance

Community News

£1 Bus Fares for Young People

Between 15 September and 31 December, young people aged 18 or under will pay only £1 for a single journey on most bus routes in North Yorkshire.

Adult Learning North Yorkshire is offering a free online course, 'Supporting Your Child with Key Stage 2 Maths'.

Starting on Monday, 11th November, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, this 6-week course is designed for parents and caregivers who wish to enhance their child’s mathematical skills while also improving their own understanding of the subject.

Participants will:

  • Explore the current Key Stage 2 maths curriculum.
  • Learn effective strategies to support their child's learning.
  • Engage with other parents in a collaborative environment.

To enrol, please visit the link:

Contact Email:

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Coppice Valley Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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