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Red Kite Learning Trust


Friday Update 29.11.24

Posted 27th November 2024

Miss McNamara's Message

It has been another fabulous week of learning at Coppice Valley. This week's highlight has been our trip to the pantomime. Our children and staff had an absolutely brilliant time - they sang along to the songs, belly-laughed and Mr Whaite was selected for some audience participation! 

A second highlight has been the chance that our children have had to watch an artist at work! We received some grant funding to have a mural painted on one of our ball walls. Sam Porter from Mural Minded has been spray painting a fox (as an ode to our on-site fox family) on the wall, alongside a butterfly. We have been really impressed with his talent and skill. We will soon be having a second mural done by Sam outside the front of school on a sign for the Community Hub. We are excited for our families to be able to watch him at work after-school. 

Next week, Year 4 have their trip to Murton Park and we are gearing up for all things Christmas! Don't forget to put any Christmas jumpers you no longer need in the Community Hub. 


Nursery Consultation

We are still in the consultation phase for opening up nursery provision on our site. Please find more information here: Coppice Valley Primary School - Red Kite Learning Trust - Nursery Consultation


We are so excited to welcome everybody in for our Crafternoons over the next two weeks. Please arrive at school at 2:15pm where we will take you to the hall.


Just a gentle reminder about our feedback forms for school dinners and BAS club. We would welcome any comments and feedback. This helps us to improve our services.

School Meals

BAS Club

Next Week's Menu

Coppice Valley Primary School Autumn 24 - Week 2

Christmas Jumper Swap!

We recommend you dig out last year's festive jumpers this weekend and then pay our Community Hub a visit. There is a new double rail in there to support the swapping of Christmas jumpers. This helps us all to reduce landfill, as well as everyone to have a festive jumper for our upcoming calendar of events!


Autumn 2 Key Dates

Monday 2nd December - Christmas Craft PM - Beech

Tuesday 3rd December - Christmas Craft PM - Willow

Tuesday 3rd December: Governors' Meeting 2

Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th December: Y6 Bikeability (note date change from 2nd & 3rd))

Wednesday 4th December - Christmas Craft PM - Ash

Thursday 5th December Christmas Craft PM - Sycamore 

Thursday 5th December - Nursery Consultation Evening at 6:30pm

Friday 6th December - Christmas Craft PM - Oak 

Saturday 7th December - PTFA Christmas Fair 1pm-3pm

Monday 9th December - Christmas Craft PM - Chestnut 

Tuesday 10th December - EYFS Christmas Performance - 2pm

Thursday 12th December - KS1 Christmas Performance 9:30am

Thursday 12th December Christmas Craft PM - Apple

Monday 16th December: KS2 Church Performance 1:00pm

Spring 1 Key Dates

Monday 6th January - Inset Day

Tuesday 7th January - School opens to children

Wednesday 8th January - Young Voices Concert

Friday 7th February - Walk to School Day

Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

Friday 14th February - Valentines Special Meal

Friday 14th February - School Closes for Half Term

Community News

Bilton St Johns Tree Festival

We have displayed our Christmas Tree at St John's Church in Bilton. Lots of organisations around the community will be displaying their trees for the community to view! See if you can spot our tree! All trees will remain in the church until 6th January 2025. 

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Hopscotch - Christmas Competition

Hopscotch are giving two lucky winners the chance to win a free pair of shoes!

We have some bauble colouring sheets in school (they are also available in-store). 

Simply design, colour and cut out your bauble and bring your bauble back to the Harrogate store including your name and contact details on the back of the bauble. All baubles will be displayed in the shop. The winner will be contacted on Christmas Eve! 

Back to all news

Coppice Valley Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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