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Red Kite Learning Trust


Friday Update from Miss McNamara

Posted 18th April 2024

Message from Miss McNamara

This week's highlight has definitely been our Around the World event on Thursday. Parents with various nationalities came into the school and set up their own stall - we had parents from Pakistan, Romania, Spain, USA, Lithuania, Romania and many more countries. Our parents put so much effort into their stalls, with balloon displays, food that had been made, flags and traditional clothing. Each class then had the chance to go 'around the world' and learn about different cultures, try new drinks and foods. It was really impressive and we are so thankful for the effort our parents went to. The children loved it, every class that left were buzzing with excitement and I could hear them chattering away about the food they had tried. Please look on our social media for photos. Thank you to Mrs Nalder, Mrs Baxter and Mrs Wright, who organised the event.

We are looking forward to next week and some (hopefully) soon coming warmer weather. 


Some news from our fabulous PTFA:

Final call for Sponsored bounce money, either cash to the office or you can pay directly into our account: 
The details are: Please could everyone use the reference ‘sponsored bounce’?
Coppice Valley PTA 
Lloyds Bank 
Healthy tuck shop - As an alternative to a cake bake the PTFA will be trialing a once a month healthy tuck shop at 1030, the last Friday of each month, if your child would like a yogurt, raisins,  bread sticks or extra piece of fruit then please bring £1 on Friday 26th April. 
We raised a fantastic £93.85 at the recent bun sale. 
PTFA Summer fair planning 6.05 Forest Thursday 2nd May 
PTFA Summer fair Saturday 13th July 

Wellbeing Garden

Please share our fundraising link! We are 70% of the way there!

Wacky Dress Day

Our School Council raised £113 on the day - thank you to those who donated £1 to dress up. The children will be spending this on equipment for the playground.


This year, we are at 95.7%.

We hope to reach 97% by the end of the year.

Miss Winterburn

Last Friday, we held interviews for our Year 2 teacher post (as Miss Ramsay is moving into KS2). We appointed an excellent teacher, Miss Winterburn, who will be starting with us in September. She is an experienced teacher who has previously taught in year two through to year six, is currently the English Subject Leader and Safeguarding Lead.

We received over 40 applications for this post - we are really excited for her to join our fantastic staff team. 


Summer 1 Key Dates

Tuesday 30th April: Family Breakfast, from 8:15am in the school hall

Monday 6th May: Bank Holiday, school closed

Monday 13th May - Thursday 16th May: KS2 SATs Week, a breakfast club will run this week for Y6 pupils

Tuesday 21st May: SEND/Wellbeing Drop-in

Wednesday 22nd May: Oak visit to Born of the Forest

Friday 24th May:  Break Up 

Summer 2 Key Dates 

Monday 3rd June: Inset Day

Tuesday 4th June: School re-opens and Year 4 Multiplication Check week

11th & 13 June: Y6 Bikeability

Thursday 27th June: Sports Day

Thursday 4th July: Sorts Day Reserve (in case of bad weather)

Thursday 18th July: Family Picnic


We have success! A shed is harder to get money for than you might think...

A big shout out to Miss Wright who works really hard to get grants for our school. We have now obtained the funds for our shed, which will support our Nature School offer. Currently, teachers carry equipment from the main building up to the nature area and back for every session. We can now get the shed we need and make life much easier for our dedicated staff.

We now have one final project which we hope to gain funding for this year - the tree hung canopy. Fingers-crossed for the next few months!


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Coppice Valley Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH