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Red Kite Learning Trust


Happy Easter from Coppice

Posted 21st March 2024

A Message from Miss McNamara

An action-packed week at Coppice, yet again! On Wednesday, we had our PTFA sponsored bounce which was a great success. I saw one of our Year 6 pupils do 184 bounces in 1 minute - I was exhausted just watching. A huge thank you to Mrs Batty, our PTFA and our counting volunteers on the day. Thank you to those who sponsored the children (you'll have to dig deep if you sponsored per bounce!). We will update you with the amount raised soon.

This week we also had a Red Kite Alliance Peer Review, which is an evaluation of the work we do by other educational professionals. On Thursday, Lead Reviewer Mr T Sherriff, alongside Headteacher Mr A Field joined us to review our reading and personal development curriculum. They were blown away by our personal development offer and how we holistically support children beyond the curriculum. The work we are doing to develop fluent readers from Reception through to Year 6 was also celebrated, as they visited phonics lessons, reading lessons and spoke to pupils. 

We are looking forward to an exciting summer term but before that, we wish you all a brilliant Easter break. Thank you for all of your support during a very busy spring term.

Brave, Kind, Curious

Today we celebrated children who have embodied the school values, this half term. 

Teachers shared the wonderful reasons that these children were selected in our assembly this morning. Their parents watched on proudly and there has been a wonderful glow about these children all day.

A huge well done to:

Reception: Edward and Margot

Year 1: Sidney and Ivy

Year 2: Seth and Tora

Year 3:  Alena and Kathryn

Year 4: Lincoln and Grace

Year 5: Carter and Sienna

Year 6: Corey and Riley

Mrs Taylor

Staff News

Mrs Taylor

Some of you may know that Mrs Taylor has had her eye on (early!) retirement for some time. She wants to be able to spend even more time abroad (she is even on a flight as I type this!) and in particular spend time her grandchildren who live in California. We know Mrs Taylor won't be able to keep away from Coppice completely, but she will be unofficially retiring at the end of this academic year. We are incredibly grateful for the work she does and the tight ship she runs in the office - she will be a tough act to follow. 

Community Hub

You will have seen that our Community Hub is taking shape outside school. We look forward to updating you on this and sharing the support we will be offering, after Easter.


This week's attendance is: 96.4%

School year so far: 95.6%

Our registers close at 9:00am and 1:15pm - there are 2 sessions to every day. If your child is absent at either of those times, including if they are late to school, this will affect their attendance.

This week, 9 children have been late to school.

School Attendance Poster


Red Kite Learning Trust Youth Board

Our Red Kite Learning Trust Youth Board met again earlier this month, at Meadowfield Primary School in Leeds. Representatives from all the schools across our Trust gathered to continue discussing issues that are important to them, including sustainability and mental health. Click here to read all about their meeting and the amazing initiatives our schools and young people are working on.

Bowling in Easter?

We have a 50% off code for Hollywood Bowl and Puttstars York for bookings between 09:00 am – 11:00 am from 25th March – 7th April 2024. Use the code EGG50 at checkout of your booking to receive 50% off.

Mr O'Leary

As you know, Mr O'Leary's last day is today as he joins the Civil Service. We wish him the very best of luck in his new role and hope that he enjoys working from home! We would like to say thank you for all of his hard work and calming presence wherever he goes. His staff IT hacks will be greatly missed.

Coppice Valley Harlow Carr Easter Eggs

Along with three other Red Kite primary schools, we have been working with RHS Garden Harlow Carr to decorate some giant Easter eggs which are on display from 23rd  March – 7th  April as part of their Easter event. Families visiting the garden will get the chance to vote for their favourite egg, with the school with the most votes receiving some gardening equipment. If you’re visiting Harlow Carr over Easter please vote for us as we would love some more gardening equipment for our school!

Every child taking part in the egg hunt will also get a delicious chocolatey treat from NOMO, which is dairy, gluten, nut and egg free so suitable for everyone.

Usual garden admissions apply for families visiting the garden; however they currently have two promotions which offer reduced price entry to the garden:

Travel by bus to the garden:

The Harrogate Bus Company runs regular buses from Harrogate Bus Station in the town centre to RHS Garden Harlow Carr, reaching the garden in 15 minutes. Catch buses from the pick-up called ‘Harlow Grange’ on Otley Road, a short 4-minute walk to the garden entrance.
Fares are £2 maximum (single fare guaranteed) until the end of 2024 and visitors who travel by bus receive a discount of 30% on garden admission.

Visit the garden for £1:

Visitors who are in receipt of certain benefits can visit the garden for £1. More information can be found here Visiting RHS Garden Harlow Carr in Harrogate, North Yorkshire / RHS Gardening

Thank you so much, fingers crossed for lots of votes!

Key Dates

Monday 8th April - Return to School

Wednesday 17th April - Y5 Lioness' Tournament

Thursday 18th April - Around the World Afternoon

Tuesday 30th April - Family Breakfast

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Coppice Valley Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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