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Red Kite Learning Trust


Summer Term: Welcome Back!

Posted 10th April 2024

Message from Miss McNamara

We can't believe that we are in the final term of the academic year already - where has the year gone?! We kick started the term with a visit from the English Hub, who visited phonics and reading lessons across school. As always, they were really impressed with the work we are doing and the progress being made by the children. They commented on the subject knowledge of all staff and the effective use of time to meet the needs of all learners. 

We have lots to look forward to this term and there will be more information shared about the upcoming final events of the year, such as sports day and the summer fair. 

Sky Diving for Coppice Valley!

We have sky-high support from one of our parents, Emily May, who has bravely committed to a leaping out of a plane to raise money for our school. Your support will directly contribute to funding the development of our community garden - you can read more and donate on our fundraising page.

Hannah McNamara

Wellbeing Toolkit

Your child will be coming home with a copy of their Wellbeing Toolkit next week.

This is something we use in school to support children to understand what they need to maintain good mental health and wellbeing. We support children to think about what helps them to feel good. For example, how much time they need to spend outside, playing sports, chatting with friends, engaging in hobbies etc. We hope that this supports conversations at home.

Newspaper Plea!

Every child will be planting a sunflower seed in a compostable pot made from newspaper. We need newspaper! If you have any, please send it into school with your child. Thank you!

School Attendance Poster


The scores are are this week's attendance stats:

This week: 97.4%

This year: 95.7% (DfE set a target of 95% and we have a school target of 97%)

Latecomers: This week, 3 children have been late to school. A great start to the year.

Easter Holiday Makeover & Classroom Libraries

During Easter, we re-vamped our KS2 cloakrooms so they are now breakout spaces for small groups. These have already been really well used this week by teachers and teaching assistants across school. 

Recently, class teachers set up class libraries and have curated a collection of texts for their year group. We want to refresh our book stock and use our re-vamped spaces to support our reading programme.

One of our school development priorities is to ensure we only have high-quality texts that inspire and develop a love of reading. Our Amazon Wishlist gives you an idea of the texts we want to purchase.

If you can purchase books from our Wishlist to aid in the expansion of our library, we would be so appreciative. Each book that is received will have a bookplate acknowledging the donor.


Crafty Llamas (2)        

Have a great weekend,

Miss McNamara

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Coppice Valley Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH