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Red Kite Learning Trust


Friday Update - 17.01.25

Posted 17th January 2025

Miss McNamara's Message

This week has been filled with exciting events and opportunities for our school community.

Last night, our staff participated in a twilight training session with White Rose Maths, focusing on the use of the concrete, pictorial, and abstract approach to teaching. We were delighted to welcome colleagues from other schools to join us for this session. The training was initially planned for our recent INSET day but had to be rescheduled due to the snow. It was well worth the wait, as the session proved to be really beneficial. We’re already looking forward to the next session in two weeks' time.

On Monday, we are thrilled to be hosting author Beth Woollvin as part of our whole-school focus on Hansel and Gretel. Her visit will be a fantastic culmination of this project, and we are looking forward to the workshops she’s leading.

Today, we welcomed a very special new member of our team today – Scrumpy, our reading dog! Scrumpy had his first day in school and listened beautifully to the stories read to him by our pupils. He brought smiles to so many faces, and we’re excited about the positive impact he’ll have on our reading journey.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support.

Coppice Valley Primary Discovery Day

If you want to discover more about teaching primary, then our Primary Discovery Day at Coppice Valley Primary School, Harrogate, will be a fantastic opportunity to see a typical school day in action. There will be the opportunity to talk to the Red Kite team about your application to train to teach and what to expect from the Red Kite Teacher Training course. You will learn more about Coppice Valley Primary School and find out first-hand what it’s really like to be at the heart of the primary school. 

Please ensure you meet the entry criteria for Red Kite Teacher Training prior to booking onto this event. 

Red Kite Teacher Training - Primary Teaching Discovery Day

Reminder: Reporting Absences

If your child is absent from school, please try to call or email the office directly. This ensures our attendance registers are kept accurate and up to date.

We kindly ask that you avoid informing teachers at the door and instead speak with Mrs. Kew or Mrs. Tunney in the office. Thank you for your cooperation.

Parent Courses Available

Unlocking Autism

Unlocking Autism for Parents & Carers 2 Day Course | NYES Training

Unlocking Autism is a Free 2 day course for parents and carers of children & young people with communication and interaction needs. It offers a chance for parents to network & share experiences. 

The 2 day programme includes 5 sessions covering Understanding Autism, Behaviour, Communication, Sensory differences and Resilience, providing practical tools and strategies to support children and young people.

Children do not need to have a diagnosis of autism in order for parents to attend.

Online Safety Information Session

Following feedback on parents' interest in online safety - please see the email sent to you about this session we have invested in for you.

Parent/Carer information session - Spring: Wednesday 29th January 2025 – 9.30am – 10.15am

The link to access this session will be sent to us one week before the event, we will share this will all parents/carers when it comes through.


Image result for eco graphic

Top tip from the Coppice Eco Council

Make your shopping list on your phone in notes, rather than pieces of paper.

Image result for eco graphic

Spring 1 - Week 3 Menu

Coppice Valley Primary School Autumn 24 - Week 3


We’d like to remind all parents and guardians to regularly check their children’s hair for head lice. Head lice are a common occurrence in primary schools, and early detection can help prevent their spread.

If you notice any signs of head lice, such as itching or visible nits (eggs), please treat them promptly. Treatments are available at pharmacies, and combing with a fine-tooth comb can also be effective. There is no need to keep your child at home when they have headlice.

For more information or advice, please feel free to contact the school or visit Head lice and nits - NHS.

Spring 1 Key Dates

Monday 20th January - Hansel and Gretal Special Lunch - Author Visit

Tuesday 21st January - Family Breakfast

Tuesday 28th January - KS2 PSHE/RSHE Drop In Session 3:30-4:30pm.

Friday 7th February - Walk to School Day

Friday 7th February - NSPCC Number Day

Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

Wednesday 12th February - Young Voices Concert

Thursday 13th February & Friday 14th February - Group 3 Bikeability

Friday 14th February - Valentines Special Meal

Friday 14th February - School Closes for Half Term

Spring 2 Key Dates

Monday 24 February - School Opens for children

Tuesday 25th &Thursday 27th March - Parents' Evening

Friday 4th April - School Closes for Easter Holiday

Community News Screenshot_17-1-2025_13128_

Local Pharmacy

Pharmacy+Health – Kings Road, your local community pharmacy are now offering free appointment consultations and treatments for minor illnesses like sore throats, earaches, insect bites, impetigo, sinusitis, UTIs, and shingles.

This free NHS service can support staff, families, students, and carers by providing expert healthcare advice and treatment conveniently, without needing a GP appointment. 

We also provide a range of other NHS services, all available to your school community. We deliver all our NHS services in private consultation rooms with highly trained healthcare professionals in our pharmacy branch at no cost at all – at a convenient time for patients so they can get the treatment they need when they need it. 


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Coppice Valley Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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