- Our School
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Our Vision and Ethos
- Admissions
- Term Dates
- Governance
- Our Staff
- Our Policies
- Results and Performance
- School Improvement
- Ofsted
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- Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion
- British Values, Tackling Radicalisation & SMSC
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- About Red Kite Learning Trust
- Vacancies
- Teacher Training
Penny Garner
Co-opted Governor
I have 40 year’s experience in the education sector, initially training and working as a primary school teacher. Once I had my own children, one of whom attended Coppice Valley Primary School, I moved into higher education and had responsibility for developing and delivering the Foundation Degree in Young Children’s Learning and Development.
After a stint as a quality manager and head of Vocational Studies at a local FE college, I am now working as an outreach manager at a university in York.
Along the way, I trained as a Forest School practitioner and endeavour these days to produce the odd vegetable on my much loved allotment.
- Our School
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Our Vision and Ethos
- Admissions
- Term Dates
- Governance
- Our Staff
- Our Policies
- Results and Performance
- School Improvement
- Ofsted
- Safeguarding
- Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion
- British Values, Tackling Radicalisation & SMSC
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- About Red Kite Learning Trust
- Vacancies
- Teacher Training